04/07/2017 How do FTP hearings work? Preview Article How do FTP hearings work? Time to read article: 3 mins Close Preview The GMC and the doctor in question are both invited to attend. The GMC is normally represented at the hearing by a barrister and the doctor is usually present and legally represented. Both parties may call witnesses to give evidence, who may be crossexamined by the other party. The Panel may also put questions to the witnesses. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Issues & conflict management Generic Medicine Investigations Professionalism
16/03/2017 Guide to writing expert reports Preview Article Guide to writing expert reports Time to read article: 2 mins Close Preview Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Northern Ireland Compliance Investigations Generic Medicine
Factsheet 31/08/2016 Inquests - England Preview Article Inquests - England Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview An inquest is a fact-finding exercise that is conducted by the coroner and, in some cases, in front of a jury. The purpose of an inquest is to find out who died – when, where, how and in what circumstances. This factsheet gives further information about what happens at an inquest. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Inquests Investigations
01/10/2015 Chapter 4: Professionalism - What to do when things go wrong Preview Article Chapter 4: Professionalism - What to do when things go wrong Time to read article: 6 mins Close Preview The overwhelming majority of patients receive safe and effective care. However, when things do go wrong, it can be catastrophic for all involved. Part of being professional is having the knowledge and awareness to deal with such situations effectively. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Issues & conflict management Complaints Professionalism Investigations CQC compliance Generic Medicine
27/08/2015 Safeguarding adults Preview Article Safeguarding adults Time to read article: 3 mins Close Preview Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Medicine Listen Investigations
Factsheet 14/07/2015 Reporting deaths to the Coroner - Northern Ireland Preview Article Reporting deaths to the Coroner - Northern Ireland Time to read article: 6 mins Close Preview If a death occurs in a violent or unnatural manner, in custody, or suddenly but without certain cause, a coroner has a duty to enquire into the death. This factsheet sets out the role of a coroner, the reporting process and what will happen once you have reported a death to the coroner. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Medicine Investigations Inquests Northern Ireland Compliance
Factsheet 01/12/2014 Giving evidence - Northern Ireland Preview Article Giving evidence - Northern Ireland Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of tribunals, including criminal or civil courts, the coroner’s court and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Investigations Professionalism
Articles and features 26/09/2014 Everything you need to know about negligence claims Preview Article Everything you need to know about negligence claims Time to read article: 5 mins Close Preview MPS Claims Manager Ashley Dee, who is based in our Edinburgh office, explains the claims process step-by-step and what it means for you Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Complaints Investigations Issues & conflict management New Doctor Generic Medicine Successful Defence
Factsheet 01/05/2014 Giving evidence - Wales Preview Article Giving evidence - Wales Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of tribunals, including criminal or civil courts, the coroner’s court and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Use Guidelines Issues & conflict management Investigations Wales
Factsheet 01/04/2014 Removal of medical equipment after death Preview Article Removal of medical equipment after death Time to read article: 2 mins Close Preview If a patient dies and the death is reportable to the coroner, you should leave all equipment in place until you have discussed the case with the coroner’s officer. This factsheet gives you further information about what to do. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Managing clinical risk Equipment Investigations Health & safety Inquests General Surgery
Factsheet 01/04/2014 Guide to writing expert reports - Wales Preview Article Guide to writing expert reports - Wales Time to read article: 1 mins Close Preview As an expert you should be aiming to produce a report which is free standing – from which the reader can glean the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Wales Use Guidelines Investigations Issues & conflict management Generic Medicine
Articles and features 04/01/2014 Collateral damage Preview Article Collateral damage Time to read article: 6 mins Close Preview The sooner you call MPS about an ethical or legal dilemma, the sooner the matter can be resolved. Professor Carol Seymour, Dr Tom Mosedale, Dr Richard Brittain and Sara Williams explore how and why Collateral-damage foundation doctors get into troubleCollateral-damage foundation doctors get into trouble Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Professionalism Managing clinical risk Use Guidelines Inquests Complaints Issues & conflict management
Factsheet 01/04/2013 Guide to writing expert reports - Scotland Preview Article Guide to writing expert reports - Scotland Time to read article: 1 mins Close Preview As an expert you should be aiming to produce a report which is free standing – from which the reader can glean the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Claims Generic Medicine Investigations Use Guidelines CQC compliance Scotland
Factsheet 04/01/2013 Giving evidence - Scotland Preview Article Giving evidence - Scotland Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of forums including criminal or civil courts, Fatal Accident Inquiries and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Medicine Scotland Patients Investigations Medical Records Compliance
Casebook 01/05/2012 MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing Preview Article MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview Late diagnosis of HIV in adults continues to be an important issue in the UK but for too long it has been absent from healthcare’s topical agenda. With national audit data showing that 24% of deaths of HIV-positive adults in the UK in 2006 were due to a diagnosis of HIV being made too late for effective treatment,1 and further data showing that around one third of all HIV infections in UK adults remain undiagnosed, and approximately 25% of newly-diagnosed individuals have a CD4 count of less than 200 – an indicator of late diagnosis – there is clearly a lack of timely opportunity to improve early diagnosis. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Medicine Managing clinical risk Investigations