Advice centre articles
NHS Trusts urged to improve disciplinary processes as doctors report ‘devastating’ impact on mental health
Time to read article: 6 mins
NHS Trusts across England have been urged to ensure doctors are treated fairly and compassionately during disciplinary proceedings, as a new report reveals guidelines are often not adhered to.
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Supervising physician associates and anaesthesia associates
Time to read article: 4 mins
Dr Heidi Mounsey, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, answers some of the questions we have been receiving about supervising physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs).
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Articles and features
HR Topic - How do I dismiss someone on probation?
HR Topic - How do I dismiss someone on probation?
Time to read article: 3 mins
Staff dismissals can be a challenging process for both sides. In this article, Croner explores the legal routes a practice principal can take to ensure due process is observed.
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HR Topic - How to manage absence and mental wellbeing
Time to read article: 3 mins
Managing absences and balancing the wellbeing of your dental staff doesn’t have to be a struggle. In this article, Medical Protection partner, Croner shares techniques to help ensure your team remains present and correct.
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GMC's progress to tackle disadvantage and discrimination welcome, but more action needed
Time to read article: 1 mins
MPS responds to the GMC's annual update on the progress it and others have made against targets to tackle disadvantage and discrimination.
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Articles and features
Regulation 20: Duty Of Candour
Regulation 20: Duty Of Candour
Time to read article: 2 mins
The key principle of the ‘duty of candour’ is that general practices must act in an open and transparent way in relation to care and treatment provided to patients
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SAS doctors face harsher sanctions when unrepresented at medical tribunals
Time to read article: 3 mins
SAS and locally employed doctors are twice as likely to not have legal representation when facing a MPTS hearing which is leading to harsher sanctions, according to figures obtained by Medical Protection Society.
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Becoming and Being a SAS Doctor in a Senior Leadership Position
Time to read article: 3 mins
Dr Laura J. Hipple has worked as an Associate Specialist in North Cumbria since 2003, where she is currently also SAS doctor lead and tutor. She is also Vice President for Membership and Workforce at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. As part of SAS Week 2024, Dr Hipple writes about her journey from studying medicine to becoming a SAS doctor in a senior leadership position.
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Doctors advised to be cautious when asked to declare patients’ fit to run marathons
Time to read article: 2 mins
Doctors advised to be cautious when asked to declare patients’ fit to run marathons
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