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Compulsory Indemnity Forum

  • Dates: 23 – 23 Nov, 2017
  • Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Address: Pantai Hospital

The Compulsory Indemnity Forum can address your queries on the introduction of compulsory indemnity for all doctors in Malaysia.

Working with the Malaysian Medical Association and the Association of Specialists in Private Medical Practice, it is an opportunity for you to join our expert speakers and understand the benefits and effects of compulsory indemnity for doctors, as well as medicolegal and litigation trends in Malaysia.

There will be an opportunity to network with colleagues and meet the Medical Protection team. You can also visit our medicolegal clinic at the end of the conference to ask our panel of experts about medicolegal, ethical and educational queries.

Earn 1 CPD point

Admission is FREE TO Medical Protection, Malaysian Medical Association and Association of Specialist in Private Medical Practice members.

Register now


17.30 - 18.00


18.00 - 18.10

Opening address
CEO Pantai Hospital KL

18.10 - 18.30

Why Compulsory Indemnity - Medicolegal and Litigation Trends
Dr Teoh Ming Keng, Head of Medical Services Asia, MPS

18.30 - 18.50

How Claims and MMC Complaints Have Changed in Malaysia
Darryl Goon, Rajah, Darryl & Loh

18.50 - 19.10

Compulsory Indemnity - The Nuts and Bolts
Ministry of Health, speaker TBC

19.10 - 19.30

Panel Discussion
Dr Teoh Ming Keng, Darryl Goon, Dr Tim Sng, MoH speaker

Please complete the form below to register for the forum, or email [email protected] for further information.