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  1. Department of Health and Children Circular, Consent to Medical Treatment for Foster Children, 6 November (1999).
  2. Child Care (Amendment) Act 2007, section 43A.
  3. Data Protection Commissioner, Age of Consent, (Correct at 20 April 2011).
  4. IC GP and GPIT, Managing and Protecting the Privacy of Personal Health Information in Irish General Practice (2003).
  5. Medical Council, Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Medical Practitioners (2009) para 41.2.
  6. Ibid, para 42.3.
  7. Ibid, para 22.2.
  8. In the Matter of a Ward of Court (withholding of medical treatment) [1996] 2 IR 73.
  9. Dunne v National Maternity Hospital [1989] IR 91.
  10. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, A Clinician’s Guide to Record Standards – Part 2: Standards for the Structure and Content of Medical Records and Communications When Patients Are Admitted to Hospital (2008). This can be downloaded from the Royal College of Physicians website,
  11. Irish Medication Safety Network, Medication Safety in Hospitals (2009).
  12. State Claims Agency, Notification of Incidents to the State Claims Agency Clinical Indemnity Scheme (CIS) by Participating Enterprises (2009).
  13. WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety Solutions, Communication During Patient Hand-Overs, Patient Safety Solutions, vol. 1: solution 3 (May 2007).
  14. Medical Council, Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Medical Practitioners (2009) para 18.3.